About us

The CBA Group

The CBA Group is run with the vision "for more people to get more done" and offers its services through the companies CBA Fagformidling, CBA Vestfold and CBA Services.

CBA Fagformidling and CBA Vestfold engage in hiring and recruitment within the Automotive industry and technical subjects and ensure their customers talent and the extra production power they need to be competitive. At the same time, they offer work and development to a large number of people annually.

CBA Services offers service contracts in the Automotive industry and operates as a subcontractor with car preparation as its main field. CBA Services also offers contracts within house building and carpentry.
The parent company is Kikkopp Holding AS, CBA Fagformidling is the parent company for CBA Services and CBA Vestfold.

The CBA companies are run as separate companies with a dedicated manager and own employees. The managers report to general manager Dag Hanssen, who is the same for the entire group.

Our daily manager is called Dag Snedal Hanssen, he has worked in the staffing industry since the early 70s. He has been a director at Manpower and Kelly Services and helped start up the staffing agency Orcus. In 2003, he established CBA Fagformidling, which later became the CBA group, which we call CBA Gruppen today.

Dag Hanssen is our daily manager, please send him an email.

Day Snedal Hanssen
Managing Director